Starting up your own dance studio might seem daunting, but Owning a studio is a commercial venture that requires capital, business savvy and almost obsessive attention to detail.
Here is a recently published article written by Dayna Farrington about a dance teacher who did just that.

Dance teacher achieves dream of opening her own dance studio
A young dance teacher is celebrating lockdown restrictions being finally lifted so that she can achieve her dream of opening her own studio in Wolverhampton.

Tracy King and Hayley Morris have opened Synergie Dance and Fitness Studios in Wolverhampton
Hayley Morris, 26, from Sedgley, has opened the Synergie Dance Training Academy in Commercial Road and her former teacher, Tracy King, has also moved her business, Tracy King’s School of Dance, previously based in Sedgley, into the building.
Already the two dance studios have more than 110 pupils on their books…
Hayley, a BA Honours dance graduate, said: “The opening was to have been in November but then lockdown hit and I am just delighted that we are now finally welcoming people to the two dance studios and other dance and fitness classes.
“It has been a life-long dream of mine to open a studio and then I finally stumbled on these premises and thought they would be ideal.
“I have opened the Academy to teach pupils for both examination and performance on stage.
“Tracy, my former dance teacher from when I was six-years-old, has moved her school into the building.
“She concentrates mainly on ballet, tap and modern dance while I deal with the more acrobatic.”
Hayley currently works as a part-time sales assistance with a company in Wolverhampton, but eventually hopes to become a full-time teacher as pupil numbers grow.
She said: “Tracy and I have sort of joined forces and we are both delighted to be finally working from the Academy.
“I am fully qualified through the National Association of Teachers in Dance and recently gained recognition from the International Dance Teachers Association in freestyle dance.
“I also had the privilege of taking part in the televised Olympic handover ceremony held in Birmingham two years ago.
“Through the opening of the Dance & Fitness Academy, I feel that I will be giving something back to the local community.”
Main article and photo By Dayna Farrington, Wolverhampton …. First Published: in the, 20th April 2021